Music to inspire creative writing

Dance and Clap

Rhythm CDs, Early Years, Key Stage 1

£10 + p&p

CD or mp3 files of 24 tracks featuring many styles of music that encourage children to listen and to respond to what they hear by moving, dancing and clapping. Enjoyment through response is encouraged, and personal and social development through movement while having fun is emphasised.

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About Dance and Clap

A child’s personal and social development are enhanced through their involvement in music. While listening to the 24 contrasting tracks children will feel the beat and/or mood of the music and, with encouragement, will start to move in a simple, personal dance. Joining in with the clapping on each track adds to early awareness of rhythms and adds to the whole body response that brings joy while learning.

Listen to tracks from Dance and Clap now

The varied tracks represent many styles and cultures, giving children opportunities to appreciate that there are many ways of moving in response to music, and that experiencing a variety of moods and rhythms in this way can be great fun.

Just Come Back From t’Farm Can be enjoyed in many ways and can be used as a simple line dance. Listen carefully for farm animals.
Carnival Parades, street parties, many entertainments – with a steel band flavour to excite.
Hornpipe Based on traditional sailors' dance. This clip is taken from the middle of the track, where the tune starts to speed up – and it increases even more later.
Twist Like Grandpa Once children discover The Twist there’s just no stopping them!
On Tippy Toes Encourages light, careful expressive movements with an emphasis on balance.
Here’s a full list of tracks:
Carnival - see above
Trying to Keep Up - the pace increases as squatting leg kicks are attempted
Fling Steps - based on a Highland Fling
Tick Tick Ticky - say those words as you dance!
Rockin’ Roll - back to the 50s and 60s for Rock n Roll or Jive
To the East - a flavour of Eastern cultures
Floss - Dance and Clap - try out some Floss dance moves
Floating in Space - just float away!
Playtime Waltz - feel the 3 beats
Go Tango - with a South American flavour
Twist Like Grandpa - see above
Just Come Back From t’Farm - See above
Aliens Dance and Clap - a chance to be whatever alien you want to be
Hornpipe - see above
Icicles - cold and frosty feelings
On Tippy Toes - see above
Oom-Pah-Yah! - great fun responding to an oompa band
Frog Hop - you can hear the funny sounds as the frog hops – so join in!
Skipclap - skipping in all directions is great fun
Giant Footsteps - huge, slow strides needed
March With Me - left, right, left, right
Can You Can-Can? - surely you can!
Pasodoble-ish - keep it simple – 4 beats all the way
Coffee Jazz - move freely and relax in a sleepy atmosphere

Buy Just Join In

£10 + p&p

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